2019-05-31 09:59:56 编辑:济南环球教育 浏览:(3522次)
T1:If universityplans to add a new course that is not being offered to students, which of thefollowing courses, in your opinion, would attract most students?
1. Sound engineering and recording
2. History of rock music
3.Film studies
T2:Some are willingto own and manage their own company, and some prefer to work in others’company. Which do you prefer and why?
T1:If you are goingto choose a roommate which of the following quality is more important to you.
T2:Some peopleprefer to buy new books while some people would like to buy used books, what isyour opinion?
T2:It is importantfor a child to spend a short period of time living far away from home, visitingrelatives and friends.
T2:In order to besuccessful, one has to make enemies? Do you agree and disagree?
T1:If one of yourfamily members is ill in hospital, what can you do to comfort him and explainwhy.
T2:Some peopleprefer to go to college right after the graduation of high school while othersprefer to take some time off before college. Which do you prefer and why?
Task 1
what are the advantages and disadvantages/disadvantages or advantages of a surprise quiz?
What is the best background for a government leader?Military, Business or Law?
Do you agree or disagree with the idea that it is harderto save money today than it was in thepast?
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