2019-05-23 17:53:53 编辑:济南环球教育 浏览:(3549次)
task 1
Talk about oneadvantage or disadvantage of universities located in small town or rural areas.
Which of thefollowing characteristics do you think is the most important for a person whois going to start business? Being outgoing and friendly; being creative andimaginative; being well organized.
Talk about at least1 advantage/ disadvantage about not being active on social website and socialmedia.
Your friend wantsto change his bike to a car by doing a part-time job. What is your opinion andsuggestions?
How would you liketo learn about other cultures if you cannot travel there? Would you like toread books, watch films, or form a chatting group with local people?
task 2
Do you agree ordisagree with the idea that : Children should approach computer and otherelectronic devices as early as possible
Do you agree ordisagree with the statement : Children should start listen to or read news atan early age
Is it better to use your extra money to buysome objects like clothes or electronic products, or is it better to use theextra money to increase your experience like going for a vacation or a concert?
Some people think that those children who do not want tokeep learning a musical instrument course should be required to keep learningthe course; While others think that those children should be allowed to makedecisions by themselves(they can still do exercises by themselves).
Some people like touse smartphone or other navigational device to guide their road whiletraveling, some prefer to ask around, which do you like to do?
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