2019-09-23 10:01:51 编辑:济南环球教育 浏览:(3116次)
1. Silence
Different cultures have different attitudes to silence, but forEnglish speakers the attitude is one of near zero tolerance. It’s fine tohesitate for a few seconds before speaking or between ideas, but silences oflonger than five seconds will go down badly. Happily, there’s a solution tothis problem and that’s to learn some filler expressions such as That’s atough question and Let me see.
1. 沉默
不同的国家对于沉默有不一样的理解,但是在英语国家,对于考试中“沉默”的反应几乎是零容忍的。说话前短短几秒的停顿或者在表述观点时偶尔的停顿是没有问题的,但是5秒以上的停顿就太糟糕了。然而,可以用一些技巧来搪塞这种情况 例如可以说“That’sa tough question”或者“Letme see”.
2. Memorized answers
The examiner is very likely to notice if you try to recite ananswer from memory, and there is a penalty for this. The telltale signs of amemorized answer include speaking in a‘written’ style of English, unnatural intonation, and the candidate attemptingto ‘rephrase’the question to the one they want to answer. Any questions you try to memorizeanswers to are very unlikely to be asked, so it is much more effective topractice speaking about a wide range of topics before you take the test.
2. 背诵答案
3. Overuse of transition signals
It’s helpful to use a few signposting words like first, forexample or on the other hand. But if you overload your speech withthese you could actually damage your score. Sounding natural, not like asignposting robot, should be your goal in IELTS Speaking. There are also manywords characteristic of formal writing such as furthermore, moreoverand in addition that are hardly ever used in speech and could actuallymake you sound less natural if you say them.
3. 过度使用引导词或转换词
适当的使用引导词或话语标记词如“first,for example, on the other hand”是没问题的。但是过多的使用就会影响你的分数了。考官还是喜欢听一些比较自然一点而非做作的表达方式。有时考生还会过多使用一些书面语常用的标记词如“furthermore,moreover, in addition”等,都是不可取的,因为听起来就像背诵,显得口语不自然,一样不会得高分。
4. Parrotting the question
In the wild, a parrot is a bird that can mimic but notunderstand human speech. In IELTS, a parrot is a candidate who repeats thequestion back in statement form: Q: What’s your favorite sport to watch onTV? A: My favorite sport to watch on TV is football. As the scoringcriteria of IELTS heavily reward those who can vary speech, paraphrasing thewords or structure of the question is a fast-track route to a higher score: Ialways watch football on TV.
4. 重复问题
重复问题在雅思考试中一般被称作“parrot”,就像鹦鹉学舌一样。例如给你一个问题:“what’syour favorite sport to watch on TV?”答:“My favorite sport to watchon TV is football”。这样就算是重复问题了。因为在口语评分标准中有明确规定“考试必须对同义词转换才会加分”。所以可以说“Ialways watch football on TV.”
5. Answering the wrong question
You will lose marks for coherence if your answer completelyfails to address the question. Ask yourself before you begin speaking if youare sure you have understood, and do not be afraid to ask the examiner forhelp. But be sure to avoid…
5. 答非所问
6. Saying ‘I don’t understand’
There are much better ways to check for meaning, so learn them!You can use a straightforward request like Could you say that again, please?or ask a checking question such as Do you mean…? that shows you have atleast partly understood the question.
6. 直接说“I don’t understand.”
当你不理解考官问题的时候,其实有很多更好的方式。你可以直接询问考官,比如:Couldyou say that again, please? 或者用确认法比如Do you mean…? 这样一来,既能够显得你配合考官答题,又能表明至少你理解了考官问题一半的意思。
7. Saying too much or too little
If you say too little, you miss the opportunity to show off yourability. If you say too much, you risk sounding less coherent and making moremistakes. As a general guide, answers of two to four sentences are fine in Part1. There are clear instructions about the length of speaking time in Part 2.You should aim to say three to six sentences after each question in Part 3.
7. 回答问题过长或过短
8. Flat intonation
Even when you pronounce words clearly, flat intonation will makeit difficult to follow what you say. We vary intonation, pitch, volume andspeaking speed in order to maintain the listener’s interest and directattention to our important ideas. Even IELTS examiners, who are trained tolisten carefully to everything a candidate says, will find a flatly-intonedresponse difficult to follow and your response may be marked down for bothpronunciation and coherence as a result.
8. 平坦的语音语调
9. Asking for the examiner’s opinion
You are there to answer the questions, not ask them. Theexaminer will politely redirect the question back your way if you try to stallfor time by saying I don’t know, what do you think? If you really don’thave any ideas, just say I’m afraid I know nothing about this topic andwait for the next question.
9. 询问考官观点
考试过程中,你的任务仅仅是回答考官的问题,不允许提问考官问题,更不允许闲聊。考官会委婉的拒绝回答你询问他对于问题的观点或答案。例如说I don’t know,what do you think? 即使你真的遇到了不会回答的问题,哪怕说I’m afraid Iknow nothing about this topic 等着考官问下一个问题,也是不允许向考官求助答案的。
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