9.19 托福机经回顾|是在做梦吗?题目难度竟然还好?!
2020-09-21 15:54:00 编辑:济南环球教育 浏览:(3291次)
Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic program, but it's expensive, while another is less well-known, but has offered you with scholarship to pay for your intuition fee. Which university would you prefer? explain why.
学校给附近的65岁以上老人免费auditing class,有助于交流,也帮助学生通过讨论得到新观点。
prudence trap,为了保证有充足的供给,人们往往会过量估算以满足需求。
BiologyIn the lecture, the professor talks about two ways how oxygen in water is replenished. The first one is from internal oxygen sources. For example, plants underwater are great providers of oxygen. They're constantly doing photosynthesis releasing oxygen to the water, that's how animals underwater get their oxygen. Another way is through external oxygen sources. For instance, on a windy day, waves appear on the surface of the water when the air blows, and the waves can bring oxygen into the water too. Those are the two ways oxygen in water is replenished.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams.
1. 迁徙的鸟吃种子携带变成排泄物把它传播到了非洲
2. cactus在两大洲大陆漂移之前就已经存在了
2. DNA检测发现两地的cactus不是来自同一个祖先
3. 水手只会到port,但cactus长在远离port的地方,很多内陆地方都是水手到不了的地方
3. 学生跟活动处的的老师说要当俱乐部的主席,但是活动效果很差
4. 学生在一个音乐史的作业中写了跟理论有关的东西,教授很欣赏
5. 艺术系的学生找老师谈作业,老师提了一个画家给了他新的灵感
6.学生问老师关于some metatheater的presentation任务怎么做
8.地质类:The Faint Young Sun Paradox 重复2017/9/30
*本文整理自 TOEFL托福备考